4th grade students
Hope you had a great summer!
- Time to Dive into a Great Year...
- School Supply List can be found on the www.nlca.info web page under Menus/Forms
- Open House - Tuesday, August 15 from 3:00-5:00 PM
- 1st day of school is Thursday, August 17
Fourth Grade Homework
Fourth grade homework will usually
consist of two (2) different subjects.
Sometimes a student will need to complete work not finished in class,
for example, daily math sheets.
Homework is written in the planner
each day by the student. Please check
their planner daily and initial when homework assignments have been
Spelling tests are given every
Wednesday. Pretests are given on
Tuesday. Spelling should be studied
every night. Students, along with
their parent’s approval, may choose a different method each night. Spellingcity.com
is just one of many websites that offer variety for practicing spelling
words. I have also created a list of
Spelling Homework Ideas from which one may be chosen, each night.
For science and history, students
will be studying comprehension check questions, terms to remember and anything
in bold print. Study guides will be
sent home for students to study for tests.
If a student does not complete their
homework, they may be required to take part of their recess and complete the
Mrs. Meadows
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